imageAt this time of year, every TV commercial, magazine, newspaper and internet article is offering up advice on how to stay healthy this winter.  So much of it can be conflicting and ultimately confusing to you, the reader.  So what do you do, and how do you plan on staying healthy this winter? 

You can't live in a glass bubble, but you can stay healthy this cold and flu season!  The thing that I am most insistent about when speaking about good health, is keeping your immune system healthy.

Here are some easy ways to beat the bug this year!

Let food be your medicine

Processed, refined foods are nutrient deficient, and very few people actually eat the amount of servings of vegetables and fruit that contain the nutrients you need to stay healthy. Aim to eat 8 - 10 servings every day and choose colour and you won't be bored!  Fruits and vegetables contain Vitamin C, which is a super immune boosting Vitamin.

Here are some other Cold and Flu busters:

Carrots: contain antioxidant-rich beta-carotene.

Garlic: has anti-viral and antioxidant properties.

Echinacea: stimulates the immune system.

Ginger: has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Zinc:  Vital in keeping your immune system healthy and functioning

Vitamin D:  Supplementation of a good Vitamin D will provide extra protection.

Remember to also stay well hydrated with 8 - 10, 8 ounces of pure, filtered water every day.

Get outside

Moderate exercise is all you need to keep your immune system ticking along.  While the idea of braving those icy winds may seem daunting, just 30 minutes 3 times a week will strengthen your T-cells (your blood's disease fighting soldiers) and keep the bad viruses away.

Stay inside

Researchers at Wilkes University say that sex twice a week may prevent the common cold.  However, moderation is the key.  Those who had sex more than three times per week were more prone to colds than those who rarely had sex or had no sex at all.

Keep your cool

When we are stressed, our adrenals excrete cortisol, which causes our immune boosting hormone to drop.  Cortisol in low doses will boost the immune system,  however in high doses is immune suppressing.   In addition to external stress, smoking, alcohol, caffeine, and overexercising are also things that cause our body stress.


Get your 8 hours.  Nothing lowers your immune system faster than sleep deprivation.  Make your room a retreat.  No TV, no computer, and no caffeine or alcohol before bed.  Keeping your room cool at night also helps with healing, restorative sleep.

Stock your Medicine Cabinet naturally

Instead of over the counter pharmaceuticals that contain sugars and toxins, choose natural this cold and flu season.   Here are a few things that are in mine:

Cod liver oil, Vitamin C, zinc, echinacea, Vitamin B, Calcium/Magnesium, and Probiotics!

If you do happen to catch a cold or flu this winter, having a strong immune system will help you suffer fewer symptoms and recover faster.

To your good health!

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Staying Healthy This Winter

Patricia Eales, RHN

Helping women age gracefully & live strong💪& healthy🥑50 & beyond! Patricia is a holistic nutritionist who encourages incorporating a natural, whole foods diet. Her education in natural nutrition, along with her own experiences dealing with emotional eating, stress, weight/fat loss, hormone imbalances and menopause issues, positions her to provide compassionate and comprehensive care to all of her clients.

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